YSeptember 30, 2004
rahman.im so sorry bout yer bike.about u.i really really hope you're okay. take care tau.next time,dunt *vroom vroom* when raining heavily can.
okay.u know wat.? everyone's blog is like so deep.so so deep. use dictionary ryte..haha.but nvm lah~ improve english kan.haha. eyy..i listenin to MC SERGINHO *sings and moves hand* the book is on tha table,table.taa-aa-ble... and everybody is on tha table.wahaha...*guilty pleasures* gives me tha memories of evryone in class singing yana is on tha table table table.haha..madness i tell yer.
noora,im not rocker gurl.i just like tha band lah bodoh.haha i dunt wana be rocker gurl.that's so like not me.im so angelic and umm un-rocker-ish.okek? i look like exorcist gurl..*roars*
when ive got tha mood and when tha atmospheres ryte..ill write ma thoughts deep deep wokays and ill use dictionary wokays *winks winks* haha. ma eyes are itching reall bad and it hurts..frm tha inside.. *sob sob*
latta. *screams* ma eye hurts.shiznets.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 28, 2004
geez.i woke up and realised how much i miss noora,nunu and shaikh~ gawd. it's irritating cuz i cant do anythang bout it.and i miss skewl~ can u believe it? yana misses skewl!! noora and nunu..i miss you two sooo much.it's ugh....
down wit sore eyes.thanks to han and sheena.now all four of us got sore eyes. dammit.sickening.haha. we are,wait must stay home.so sad can~ im not duin well in skewl.i just counted ma whole prelims points.even ITE wouldnt want a failure like me.gawd.im such a blardee failure sia~ fuck it~
i need to study likemad.really3 study.seriously study.im not gonna meet shaikh this weekend.this is so sad.im missing him already.freakin hell.and now i cant meet him.i really4 hope i can meet him on friday.after skewl..please...i miss him.
that day at maria's house.we had lunch and watched shrek 2. bear very noisy..haha. but he's cute lah.like BFG. hehe.wit dimples.maria..thnks fer inviting us baby..and syaf i got tha shirt you wore only in army green.hehe..coincidence.shit.haha.noora,how cum u didnt wanna go?
kakak and nenek and aunty go robinsons sale or smth.haha wit shades and all.im so bored ryte now.watching MTV..haha.and i can proudly say im not afraid of eye drops.well umm..not that afraid.haha..shit.okok.im still scared lah~ evrytime been or kakak wanna put eye drops they wanna slap me.am i werse than han? am i? am i? and i wanna watch brown sugar!!
im goin sewl tomar.i wanna go skewl tomar~ u poor lil eyes.please get well i wanna go skewl lah~okek? and im gonna study science after this. i havent seen ma baby brotha and mum fer sooo long.i miss them soo much~ i cant go cuz of tha freakin eye lah~
and noora wanted to address me as rocker gurl..please dunt..i dunt want~ haha. i love ma rocker umm sweetheart,but i dunt wanna be a rocker.cuz im not exactly a rcker.i listen to umm indies and rnb also wat~ so wat dyer actually call me? confused? haha..
ill hang out more aften after tha o's lah~ another month only..wait ending will be like two months lah~
p.s..tha GREAT ONE up ther, could u please gimme tha strength to like carry on..studying.gimme motivation can~ thnks.i really3 need it. i love you. and shaikh~ and everyone else.wee~
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 26, 2004
Every time I think of you
I get a shot right throughInto a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mineBut it's a problem I find
Living the life that I can't leave behind
There's no sense in telling me
The wisdom of a fool won't set you free
But that's the way that it goes
And it's what nobody knows
And every day my confusion grows
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You say the words that I can't say
I feel fine and I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this wayI just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myselfThat if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you fallingI get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for the final moment
You'll say the words that i cant say.
*brownsugar* rant at
heya~ i havent been blogging for quite a while.been busy and stuff.
i went to watch tha asian beats..smth like battle of tha bands stuff.haha.it was cool man.
i mean i went ther to support dope and his band. and FUCK i didnt noe he had such talents.ma gawd..u did damnnn gud yesterday.even till now i still cant face tha fact that u tha innocent-lethargic one are able to make that low-monsterous cum satanic voice man.gawd.it's happening..
now..everyone's falling in love with you. :( *sob sob* then u'll forget me. *sob sob*
"dope,can i have ma own personal performance...? " *winks*
baby.thanks for accompanying me tho i kinda noe black metal is not yer kinda thang.haha. thanks fer supportin tha band aight. i love you so much.i dunt wanna lose you man..gawd.and sorry i was in a lil bad mood yest.blame it on tha lethargic-thang. and hey, dun't get so sad bout jimi hendrix can? it's so sad how such a respected artist died.he was an inspiration to the rockers out there.and still is.....
i went out wit ma gurlfrens d.A and wada yesterday..man..i miss them so much.miss those tymes.those stupid thangs we did. and i miss seeing DA fall.*evil laughter* mwahahha. i miss them both a lot man.and nani and shahida.tha rest of tha netball gurls.man.. :( we shall have loadsa plans after tha o's. WE MUST NOT FORGET EACH OTHER. haha.we will not.and i dunt think any soon.that felt really good when i was alone with them.i am soo ma own self.haha.and tha thong niceeee rytteeee... cowgurl.. *yeehaaa*
raihan.stop spiting.u're supposed to go and rest at home if not yer malaria tapioca thang will not turun.take care lah~ olevels cumin balls. and better not call me saliva-stepper.~ all tha best fer tha blood test thang.weeeee~
abeen, i really hope you're much better.hehe.and we shall team up and go against tha eeevilll sore-eyers..wahahaha sheena and han. sheena got infected by sheehan's eyes.and they both look like pirates!~ weee...haha. and i cant wait fo KL man..weee~ i love KL..haha shit.i hope they DO have nice stuffs.i cant wait..*grins*
nufail.i miss u tau.a lot.alot.alot.alot.alot.*sob sob*
im goin to marriiaaa's house soon.her mum invited us fer lunch.kewlness ryte.haha.i wanna go bathe now and stuff. tulus~
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 23, 2004
gawd.im so stressed.but instead of being pessimist and have tha tendency to take tha gloomiest possible view of tha situation, i wanna be optimistic for once.till ma olevels end.i hope i can.*smiles*
hey all of you,thank you fo all tha support,motivations,tha stoppage from eating panadols (dope ryteeee) and wanting to give up. thanks to my sweetheart shaikh~ whu has always been there. abeen,sheena.i love tha both of you soo much.nufail.i love you.thanks..study harder.make tha effort.ull do well baby.and im sooo happy for u.neva seen u happier man. u deserve it baby. dope(firdaus) for giving me lecure abt being "LOW LIFE GURL " ma whole life or smth.hehe i love you loads. maisarah for having faith in me.thanx. im happy for you and adam. *smiles* hadi fo telling me ill be okay,it's only prelims. kin ming for giving me support all tha way. nadhirah and wiyah for wanting to beat me up if i ever go ITE, cuz they afraid ill turn into a minah.geez,i wont.too much influence fo hating jack and jackies aka mats and minahs.and also to fera, fo not making me give up halfway. *smiles* god bless all of you..
afta getting ma result.i reflected upon maself.ive been duing badly and duing nothing about it.simply nothing. i have to change.ive got tha drive to actually not give up.continue.move on with it.learn to accept how badly ive done.i think i passed ma english by fluke also.if others can do it,why not me? gawd.i need to study,study,focus and concentrate.ill do good fo sure.
shaikh~ i need umm a favour,encourage me more can..and please duntlike shine away from me.just because ma olevels are cuming dunt mean i dunt need to by ma side. to push me,give me all tha support i need baby. i love you.and i miss you soo much~ seriously miss you. and dope,all tha best fo tha performance wokays.ill be there. cuz i wanna seeeeeeee... :P
i did have a lot of fun at simpang yest,with abeen.sheena,nufail and aaron.i thought yan was going to be ther.but he wasnt.aiyer~ haha. aaron u white ass. u grec.haha. and i want yer black djarum can..it's so sleek.haha. and maggi goreng is fineee..wee~
"hello,im harry... harry cock.nice to meet you." wahahahahhahahahaha.
p.s:shaikh~ ive made appointments tonyte again.ill sms u when im goin. i told mr dreamcatcher to reserve a place closer to me.wokays? so we can spend more time there.i miss you~
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 22, 2004
wokays.ferstly,adam and mai.haha surely ull read ma blog ryte.it's a miracle cuz people dunt usually visit ma blog except for a few of ma frens here and ther..hehe nolah, i dunt have anythang against u people.i know tha whole story.maybe more than you do. i just prefer observin and seeing wat happens instead of saying anythang.
adam,when u called me i was half-asleep.so i was a lil sotong lah~ geez. and hey,im saying what i feel.i dunt care.it's ma shoutout. if she's hurt,why cant she talk to me instead. im not hurtin her.im just saying what i feel.u have to be a bitch at times.it's how situation is.seriously i didnt blogged totally about maisarah u know.abeen has past experiences too.which i dunt wish to elaborate. and i did experience a lil of shit like this.so im just being there for her.so lemme get thangs straight.clear all those misunderstandings.i have nothing against both of you.i just wanna see tha outcome of everythang.like go with tha flow and stuff.but what i said.i do not regret.thaT's how i feel.okay? it's gonna be weird lah.and simpang with us together i guess is gonna be..ummm long.to ma prediction.we will prob go there.but not together.yet.
ive realised something. im sad bout it but ill try to u noe come out wit reasons everytime.so that i wont feel so bad and all.i feel that we're drifting apart.haha.buti dunt think so lah~ maybe it's just ma emotions.playing games with me.but heck lah~ ill always think it's all due to olevels.but hey,alah,i swear i dunnoe how to elaborate lah~ im sad.haha.but i cant be sad now.i need to be ther for abeen just in case.i know shes strong.im here.just in case.
i think imma failure.haha but nah,i dunt think so.i got like lecture by dope.haha.asking rhetorical qns.haha this boy ah.haha thanx sweets for being ther fer me that day.and shaikh~ u too.and i miss aaron so much.i miss his crap,shiznets. saw him at simpang just now.he looked different.shall not elaborate on how he looked lah.
i must survive ma olevels.i can i noe i can.hahait's just now im not sure.after results and stuff.i hope im not dumb.i dunt wanna do badly.. :( i need sumwan.to motivate me.make me study.be there for me.not shine away from me.haha. i want a special sumwan whus gonna come along to pull me thru this shit.gawd.what am i saying.go thru wit me.not shine away.i guess ill have to find. and nufail baby...i miss you can. and mai and adam,i miss thoses times.
p.s. can sumwan please ask gawd to help shine tha light on me at thismoment.im like goin thru it maself sia.it's like sucky and stuff.okay? thanx people.
i love you like crazy.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 20, 2004
KUDOS TO MAISARAH AND ADAM.wish you all tha best.hey i have like nuttin against tha both of yer.just alil hurt lah.
i got ma prelims results.i did so badly.i cried in class.i think noone noticed except for sumwan.but i think he kept quiet. and todae's like one of tha werst day.seriously.
i got to know ma fren.quite a great guy as far as ive known passed away.im so sad.i feel so sorry. may god give him tha blessings and show him tha wonders of heaven.insyallah. and werst, he's only 17 and i just saw him that day lookin all jubilant.
shaikh~ that was seriously tha last thang i needed from you.after what i got todae.i swear.it was tha last thang. i am so fuckin sad.but i have to be strong.ma cuzzen's hurt.i should have been there for her.i am i hope.
i hate seeing her get hurt and get walked all over.it's sickening.she sacrifices too much fer her friends.ive learnt ma lessons from ma past experience.it feels like shit okay. haha.and even werse when it comes from a best friend. yes yes u cant help from feeling happy cuz uve found yer happiness.well done tha both of you. hope it'll realllllyyyy last long. it feels like a stab in tha back.but hey, whatever it is lah. i cant be bothered.i am just here for abeen when she needs me.
nufail!!!!! pucat babyyy!! i dunnoe how you feel now sweets. this situation and stuff.gawd.must be hard ryte.hey u do yer own thang. spend more time wit ISSA lah.hehe.im soo happy for you both.weeee~ im so happy.
i went to tha doc.ma skin's gonna take a loooongggg time to heal.sorry babes, tanning will be lesser.haha.but fuck,whu cares ryte.weee~
aaron.i wonder how you feel. still wondering.hey man.i miss you~
abeen:im really sorry.i love you so much.baby you're strong.cum on.i noe you're stronger than this.i and kakak are here okay.and we're gonna have a whole lotta fun in KL(if we're goin). and then we're gonna study like mad for o's.prove you can do it okay.u CAN do better than me.trust me.im slackin realll bad.im listening to like sugababes run for cover.sick ryte..haha.
and shaikh~ yesh yesh..umm u contact me whenever u think you're not wasting your time okay.~ have fun.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 19, 2004
wooohooo...haha i havent been blogging much lately.been busy.skewl.alet nyte wit nufail and stuff. haha. and i met fera that day..it was fun~ i havent seen her fer sooooo longgg.gawd.she's hot lah.and she has this fren which is like uber gorgeous can.daniella or smth.gawd.shit.i feel so ugly fugly. and nufail has a name fer me.how kewl is that. it's YANA BANANA PUPPY GIRAFFE. wow. kewl ryte? haha anyways umm ive realised smth that made me really sad.ive realised all these while how guys have treated me.and it's shit wokays.trust me.it's shit. they expect thangs from me.gawd.leave me alone..i dunt want lah~ i already found tha imperfection i need.i dunt want perfect guys.ive been wrong to find tha perfect one.they always turn out rotten later. shaikh~ thanx fo wanting to mend ma broken smile as you have said to me earlier.i really appreciate it.i want you can? hehe. and please..ma ears hurt.but i bet yer arms hurt even werse ryte..? wahhaha.. good. it's soo bitable.and guess wat. he gave me a title. IM YANA WHO BROUGHT THA RETARDEDNESS IN SHAIKH~.haha wokays.i dunt like it lah~ i LARVE IT! woohoo..haha and he's damn retarded.and shaikh's~ umm retarded.ma rawkstar.pole dancing turn me on thang. haha and i larve that ballet move.haha ballet summore lah~ haha.and baby.i love yer tongue.everyone's like ewwww shaikh's tongue soo long..eww eww... haha i like lah. so no worries.haha and baby u look great wit that hair of yers.(reminds me soo much of those whu sang tha witch doctor song)and nufail i miss you lah~ and mai.wher have you been..? and adam's in KL i heard.and aaron lost his fon.and wher tha hell is he also i dunnoe.haha..and im bored.watched the terminal.one hell of a great show.superb.good storyline.very different and exquisitely directed. and catherine zeta jones is one hell of a gorgeous woman can. gawd.she's beautiful. and tom hanks ive always loved him ever since one of ma favs forrest gump. best show also. it's like 3.05.i promised shaikh~ ill meet him in ma sleep later haha.so i dunt wanna be late.got appoinment already.and shaikh im happy you got a new fon! weee~ wokays.
guess ill end then. abeen.dunt be sad wokays.hey im always here if u wanna talk.and watch people around you before talkin.knowin how sotong you can be,hehe but baby i still love you loads.hehe.everythang will tun out alryte.maybe not now.later it's gonna be even better,wokays baby.? love you.hhe..and shaikh~'s retarded can haha...and i want that top.from umm that shop at far east.uber hotness. shitos.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 14, 2004
imran..ferstly.thank you soo much fer helpin me do this thang.ma gawd.i appreciate it.thanx thanx thanx soo much~ and i havent see you fer sooo long..haha and ive decided to change ma template.haha tha last one was so child pornography.weee~ haha umm and hey u can actually view tha last time ones it's just u must move tha whole blog to tha right and then there'll be another like scroll down margin..haha ive discovered that.thanx again to imran.many thanksies dude.~
*brownsugar* rant at
im sick and tired.bitch.gawd.shahira likes ma hair.hate when i flash ma hair around her *winks*. haha.i printed like lil pics of me,like shaikh~ sab mai nufail.maria.all lah.and sheena too.and shaik(camel). haha so cute.they look so nice together gawd.haha.and ive realised smth no matter how hard i study i will not make it.im just dumb i think.gawd.hai~ so depressing can. it's like i have to study a lot lah..im just lazy.i noe i can do it deep down.ther's just like loads of distractions lah.and mr lazy just had to pick me up. shit. im blogging cuz im bored.and i read smth that made me feel like shit yest.i noe it's me.gr8 feeling it's me.hai~ hey,im sorry u feel that way but im NOT makin use of you.i love you.as a fren of course.if it is really me, im kinda hurt. but hey,but if u wanna take what we are away,then go 'head.i deserve it anyway. and u noe tha reason why i actually kept away? i was depressed.stressed.2003 was tha werst year in ma 16 years of fine life.dunt you get it.i just didnt wanna talk.and hey u have sumwan and u told me that smtimes she's jealous of me.so wat if i was closer.many thangs would have happen.TRUST ME. all i wanna say is that im sorry.u might be reading ma blog.so im sorry.okay? we are still frens.very good frens to me.uve pulled me thru and ive pulled u thru sumhow.im sorry wokays. and this is so depressing~ i feel like shit you know.that emotinal feeling is stuck to me.i hate it lah.gawd. and i need to study i wanna study i wanna be good.do well for o's and im happy enuff. okays.nuff said'. i larve umm lemme c... sab,shaikh~ sheena,syaheed,nufail,maria,mai,adam,aaron,han boy,rahman,wada,addafiq,shahira,dayana,nani,wiyah,nad.hadi.
haha dunnoe whu else lah.like so many can.and i larve you people. *smiles*
p.s i miss simpang.and aaron and adam and nufail..she got him ryte.so happy lah now.haha.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 12, 2004
firstly.i've finished readin veronika decides to die.good book.for depressed people. haha. but it makes u think about life lah.went out wit shaikh yest.met kin ming bfore that.haha.help him wit smth.i noe it sucks lah~ haiyah.but im not a pro can.haha.then went town.i bought clip.then we met sudip and his fren and sheena and sab.and shaikh was like TOYS R US!!!! wee.. i admit it was a lil freaky. haha.but he's cute lah.haha then chill at coffee bean.and wait.ferst time i shared ciggies wit shaikh~ haha.madness.i mean bought lah.then we went home.took bus.and wait2,i ate TWO DAMN BOWLS OF BEEF NOODLES.HEAVEN I TELL YOU!! and i was like pregnant lors after that. on tha way home i felt so weak.tha past kept crawling back in ma head.i cant let it distract me.shit.i finally told shaikh~ and sab.i told sab cuz she helped me thru a lot.!! i larve you soo much baby.hey dunt worry ill pray sumwan whu needs you will come soon wokays.now concentrate.dunt be so depressed can ive been thru and it sucks.remember~ dunt mention to anyone.it's erased in ma memories.just locked up in ma heart.shit.i need to find tha key.to fix pieces of ma broken smile.i always look happy.people assume im happy.ryte on. haha.ther's more buried deep inside me.i dunt wanna unleash it.again.ha! i wanna move on goddaMIT.sucks can.and i need to start studying like mad.seriously.im becoming more distracted and lazy.god.thanx fer givin me tha motivation shaikh~ many lovies.shaikh~ im really sorry if ive hurt you tha other day but hey, i hope you really undersand.it sucks can baby.hehe.can can.wahah.anyway ive said all ive said to you.and i hope u understand*hopes*. after i get back home i had to siap2 again.watchin anacondas.it's not that bad after all.got this black guy he was sooo funnyyy.gawd.i cannot tahan.haha.SNAKE ORGY can~ wahahahahah that was like tha funniest lors.and tha grosiest was tha leech thang~ gawd been stop it stop it.went simpang for tea-o-peng afta that and went back home.i slept next to sab.how kewl was that.wahahaha.now i need to concentrate.no one is going to distract me.ive got tha adrenalin to focus.wee.ryte on yana~
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 10, 2004
it's like im bored can. gawd.this is so sick.everyone's upset.i am upset too.but i promise maselfto always have a smile on ma face. why? god. stop hurtin all ma frens and loved ones,please? please. i just wanna see those sparks frm their eyes again.it's like diminishing.even ma very very good fren.i noticed his blog.found out abt it.and read it.i felt it.i felt for him.but why didnt he tell me earlier. and i dunt want him to flunk his o's.please lah.it's like evryone around me is depressed.i want them to be happy.all of this roots from smth.this sooo overpowering emotions that just gets into u and eats u up.hey people i want all of u to be happy.wit me.i think i have found tha ryte one.but i have no one to share tha joy with.evryone seems so sad.but why.it's all due to that blardee emotion.why sia. hai~ it changes people soo fast.everyone seems to be having fake smile nowadays.gawd. i dunnoe why.but i have ma frens ma family and ma baby(tho im not wit him) i still like him a lot.hope he likes me too *wishes* but i feel like ma life's still not contented.i seriously don't know why.it's just that mth is empty.i have this empty feeling. it just sucks.to bits.really.sucks.damn.
p.s. god,could you please brighten sab's nufail's maisarah's and that guy's life please.please... i wanna see that spark from their eyes again.real twinkles. and wait wait,another favour,please make shaikh happy,i dunt care in any form.even if it means "no yana".please make him happy. thanx.
*brownsugar* rant at
i banged into a pole. wat did ma trusty frens and ma baby do? nuttin.they laughed their heads off. thanks guys.!!
*brownsugar* rant at
weee~ i went to spore idol.actually i duntmind sitting at home but since that pucat baby got 10 free tix she asked me aloong and mai and shaikh.haha shaikh.yesh shaikh.i noe..he's so hot ryte? dunnoe why he likes me also.tha gurls there were hot lah.but they're not ma type.too thrashy.nuff said.haha sheena was tha A gurl.taufik's A haha..alphabet gurl.haha nad smsed and say she saw ma face and nufail i was like shit.i hate being on cameras man.but i dunt think loads saw it.yay!! i was wit like sittin in between shaik ouh-so-quiet and sab screamin mad woman.hhaa so ma ryte ear is fineee..just maleft.a lil damaged done.i must say havent seen fik fo quite some time and he looks hot.yesh admit it.haha and he luks like adam.and no one melts me like shaikh does.well,TAUFIK GOT IN..thanx to all tha voted.hey peeps out ther whu voted fer fik.thanx soo much.god bless y'all.waited fer fik fo 45 mins.that boy ah.make-up too thick.haha. called shaikh when i reached home.he was in a bad mood.all of a sudden.i wondered wat i did wrong.i was like shit shit shit and i wasnt in tha mood to like u noe comfort2 peeps lah. but then again i dunt want him to hate me~ cuz im really fallin fo him.ugh.if he rejected me,ill be..i dunnoe..hai~heartbroken.nuff said'. he went home and took cab wit mai and fail.i felt weird.hai~ and i asked shaikh why he was angry and stuff.he was just like u noe.i dunnoe lah~ nuttin lah~ i was like ughhh..and then he blurted out nonsense which i understood.haha.i always understand his nonsense.and i larve him fer that.i larve him so much.shit ive said it.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 09, 2004
stuffs i need to get/do:
~new tops
~organise ma werk and all.shit.
~get a brown hairclip since i lost ma favourite one.sadness.
~save money to buy more stuff.ma posb is DEAD.zero zero zero.
~finish reading veronika decides to die.good stuff.
*brownsugar* rant at
hmm..i wanna read tha book veronika decides to die or decided to die..i wanna read... but sab's readin! dammit! i read like a lil of it durin "tanning" i didnt even tan i was in tha shade..sheen and been tan.wahaha..i read tha book.how fun.i was soo scared to like take off ma top cuz it was infested wit mats and minahs.jack and jackies.gawd.that's why i am so ashamed to call maself a malay smtimes.thanx to them.they were like gawd.uncivilised people.just irritate me.gawd.and they were like gliding off tha platform as if they were sealions.makin weird sounds.even raihan and irfan do a much10000 better impersonation of sealions.theirs are tryin so hard.shitheads.and tha minahs,tryna attract tha mats.F.they totally spoiled tha good weather.it was sunny and bright. and i miss shaikh~ tho i dunt say it often..haha dunnoe just havent seen him fer soo long.wahah..and hamsin's online.gawd.that malmsteen online sia. for like tha ferst time.wow!!! haha and i dint see mai and nufail todae.haha miss that pucat lah.and yeah i discovered smth.i love black bikinis!haha.i wore them and think they're really nice piece of cloth.haha.anyway after tanning went to umm town.got sum stuff and sheena was mad!! she wanted to buy this umm fake hair.gawd.mad woman! and i was lookin for brown clip.fuckin diff to get sia. and i WANNNN DENIM JEANS.THA NICE ONE!! frm collage.ugh.wait2 i save munnie buy..haha.. then afta that went zara.and then went bugis.then went home.sent ma aunty to airport.. then went simpang and ma uncle said end of nx year he might buy tickets fer us to go see mummy at italy!1 wee.. tha ferst thang that cums to ma mind was shaikh.hah dunnoe how im gonna be without him.fer a while already like aiyoh.madness lah.dunt even noe if he really likes me.mad lah.aiyoh. anyways umm i wann that skirt..so nice but sheena say too long.so i might cut it further. and i need so may stuff.but must wait lah.no munnie now.haha.we saw aaron and adam at simpang.that mofos.wahaha..so cute lah those idiot.and adam and aaron clubbin now. and aaron tricked us!! he told nufail kristin cumin back on tha 25th!! now can spend more time wit aaron!! wee..haha i hope. aaron is like one of those nicest caucasians ive seen so far.tha rest are like arrogant lors.haha.im bored can. im so bored lah.aiyoh. and VOTE FOR TAUFIK FO SINGAPORE IDOL.THA HOTTEST CONTESTANT!! WOKAYS.THANX PEEPS!! HAHA..and i still havent betulkan ma tagboard sia.lazee lah.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 07, 2004
wee..im bored lah now..sab's on tha fon wit adam..that moron..so cute lah..haha..MET SHAIKH~... so fun! wait..he made it fun..hehe..weee..he's soo cute..gawd..freakin adorable..and hot..gawd..im like meltin sia..wait i melt eveytime when im wit him.smtimes i feel damn stupid u noe..wit him. i dunt even noe why he would like sumwan like me..ther's loadsa gorgeous most beautiful gurls out ther..but why me sia..i feel like soo insecure smtimes..but hey, if i lose him i will like stop dating gorgeous guys.haha.i dunt wanna lose him~ :( anyways..we took 14 then dropped at netball court.he's so todae..hot!! and retarded.. we went to like simpang after tat and like met nufii baby and sab larve.haha and that man gave me tea peng instead of tea o peng.so frustrating but alah foget it.and then ther came aaron and adam! shitheads.they're soo cute.haha and aaron look like small boy sia when he took out tha cap. they were talkin bout gettin tattoos.shaikh~ neva get tattoo k baby. todae wasnt that fun and stuff it was like okay lah. a lil depressin.dunnoe why~ and less simpang now,i gotta start studying.too much suff goin on till i foget everythang sia.and mai's sick.i think depression ah.hehe.hope she'll get betta. and i miss shaikh already~ this is like so sad.i wont see him fer like days and like gawd.aiyoh. then he goin bigsplash on friday.and i wanna go tanning latta.evryone's like not well lors.haiyoh.~ bless everyone.
*brownsugar* rant at
i..am..soo freaked..out..can... OMG!! im so freaked out by wat happened yest nyte.i was goin to lseep..but then all of sudden shit, i was awaken by sum ringing tone of ma celly..then i was awake again.like paralysed.couldnt move a lil bit. i just opened ma eyes.it was scary.i had this feeling.i vividly remember it.it's damn frightening.i felt this snake.huge snake like was gliding frm ma stomach past ma neck.omg.so scawiee.tha feeling is just.ugh.i was too scared to move.and i just let it be.and i dreamt i was at this place.dark.red.ugh.werst nytemare.dunt even wanna talk bout it. anyway had class this mornin.nufkin tired.and isa's pants wet cuz his ass condensed or sum shit like that.and hannan's cologne was like choking me can.in physics sit wit him geog sit wit him.tha cologne.ma goodness.im freakin bored can.smsing been now..haha she's at tuition..SUFFERIN~ im soo happy*evil laughter* mwahahaha..haha..kiddin..hope ure feelin betta man..im bored.i miss shaikh can~ havent seen him fer like long ah.wait not that long but long ah.and i miss nufail an sab.and aaron and adam.gawd.aaron's ex gurlfwen cmin back.no more simpang.*sadness* haiyoh..so depressing.she's cumin back on tha 8th i think.haiyah.loadsa hmwerk to do.gotta start studying .stupid prelims lors.
*brownsugar* rant at
YSeptember 06, 2004
this is like ma ferst blog thang.thot it was crap.but i guess this is one of those guilty pleasure wher u pour yer feelings out. everyone needs that. guess im bored now. i larve this cute babies..gonna kiss..awww..i larve tha after taste of kisses,that's if it's guuudddd..i know sumwan whu can give me like one which will really blow me off..haha..ferstly,umm thanx been.for bein ther fer me and entertaining ma crap,wait out crap tha whole day.every single day and nyte. haha..and nufail, thanx..fer bein fo me ther lately.thanx to aaron and adam and mai fer entertaining me.amuse me sia they all. esp aaron and adam,best collaboration.unbeatable.shitheads.haha altho i kinda just got to know them and stuff. i heard simpang gonna die soon ryte.? *sadness* nvm.. and gawddamn i miss him.i really hate this feeling wher u cant do anytang but to miss that person so much.gawd.it sucks.but hey, thanks fer gettin to know me.really. i think ill be really lost without you.tho im pretty independant and stuff.thanx loads. and thanks fer actually wanting to know sumwan lyke me.it's been a gr8 pleasure knowin you.and stop tryna bite ma ear.!!haha. nufail and sab and mai.gawd. seriously, u guys shud talk thangs out man.it's like a sad thang u chicas are always depressed.been im here alryte.u can talk tha whole nyte wit me but must supply me wit food,good food.and nufail,i love you.let it go wit tha flowwww~ and mai,goodness,u cute thang,talk thangs out baby.talk thangs out.! ahh.. and i miss netball,tho ma toes ar freakin blue-black..uglyy!!! ahha..i still lurve netball and im kinda bad at it also lah.haha.and baby,i think u really freaked me out wit tha bangla thang man.tha bangla-rapist shit. ugh!!*runs away* *screams*
*brownsugar* rant at