YNovember 24, 2004
i miss wada and d.a.sry gurls i realllllly cant go out wit u all todae.cuz i have to go out wit shaikh~ i kinda promise him.i know like hari raya outings bla3.but i really cant.im sry =(. and addafiq and tha rest.im sry too i cant go jalan wit u peeps.call me bastard,so bad. im not rabak okek.i just cant todae.im sorry. =(
blardee hell sia~ ugh~ ive got to think, i got three blardee events hapenin at tha same time tomar. pri chalet.i reallllllllyyyyy wanan go. hai~ got aunt aisha's one.i also wanna go class bbq,which im not sure but i bet it's gonna be alryte.maybe i wont go fo that.but i promised them.shit lah~ i shudnt have promised.i feel so bad.but i wanan go.cuz it's thA last bbq.and tha chances of us meetin up again as a class is zero.and pri skewl i ditched them so many times.i couldnt make it.i cannot make it.bla bla blaaaaa.everytime like that.shit mang.
im meetin shaikh~ at 2.i dunnoewhy out of all tha days hes actually officially askin me out todae. like asked me out.in advance.usually we just like eh follow me,or eyy wher u goin todae,or wateva.this one he actually asked me.i sooo don't know why.it's scary.hope it's not smth that bad. is it? maybe. hai~
i tink im pms-ing lah~sheesh~
nufail baby cheer up.i know those stuff and all and hey,i want you to cheer up.i wanan see that strong mungen,chinky-sister i never had go thru this smoothly.tha motivations,advises,laughters and giggles always gave me tha strength to actually move on.i wanan see same'on's willpower heh~ i know its really difficult.but think thru.if i was in yer position wit sumwan like you as ma backbone.i will think of tha best.think thoroughly.okek <3>
*brownsugar* rant at
today was one of tha most amazing days.everythang was good.i love you.
*brownsugar* rant at
YNovember 23, 2004
gosh.that was damn fast.now im gonna miss skewl,tha canteen tha asshole wannabes who think they're gonn conquer tha skewl.those stupid acts by tha mats and mnahs and tha bengs and lians.sheesh~ im gonna miss all that.tha occasional fights in skewl,tha throwin of chicken bones.and standing at tha corridor.lookin at tha peeps rushing to buy food.sheesh.aqram making grand appearance in tha canteen after skewl.he just loves attention.im gonna miss majulah singapura.how we would laugh at tha flag barriers.shit ive been one.hahahas. and tha early morning wher i went to fix tha flag.tha students must be thinking,someone like me a studentcouncillor and peer mediator..something must be really wrong wit tha skewl.
hahahas.dope..dunt turn gay okek? i love you grunge gay boy.keep it that way.heh~ and please. crack more lame jokes in tha middle of tha nyte.haha~ hopes ull find yer grunge gf soon aight.i know u wanna be me.chill3 no bfs.dunt care.hahahas,ryte? im not that attractive,so good lah~ i dunt wanna attract tha wrong crowds.weeee~ so end of our rship? i dunt think sooo..haha.u sweet piece of thang.i neva thought ud say that to me. hehe~ no more grunge.maybe gayboy. u go chill at alkader ah..! i can chill at simpang ahh!!!
shutter was umm shutter. hehe~ me and sab kept on screamin.it was damn funny. tha whole movie,chillin wit all of us was like HAPPENING.tha ending was freaky lah~ it's like "hanging onto yer loved ones" sheesh~shud watch lah for thrills.weeeee~
prem.thanksies for talkin to me.and everythang.i really appreciate it. i loveeeeee watchin you talk.sheesh~ i dunnoe why but ure like tha ferst person i can sit down for hours and just listen you talk.it's sooo interesting.although you're full of yerself, i still love u.haha madness. we should hang out more okek? ims ure to imrove ma english.weeee~ and that book ure gonna publish.... when it's done,send a copy to us..heh~ <3
nufil.sheesh~ im not angry wit you lah~ please ure just like a half-mungen chinky sister i never had.look at me.im also like shinky.imma gook remeber.sheesh~ please,how can i be angry at youuuu.
wadaaaaaa and d.a i miss you soooooo much.gosh.and skewl has ended.when ca i chill at wada's hse again? hai~ we shud.we must.chil3.and netball.i miss tha netball gurls.im goin to skewl fo netball.at least a few days and stuff.fo training.weee~ no more sec 4.time really flies balls.im gonna miss class.tha tchers.mdm rogayah fo sure.yer friends will stick by you.those who ahve forgotten are just aquaintances. :) thank you so much for makin ma secondary life pretty smooth. :) i love you all.,some of you actually.haha. and deng li.come back soon lah~ then we can hang out.wit kinming,and all. i miss you playin wit ma hair lah~ hehe~ and kin ming.i miss you so much. :(
i wanan work.need to work.i need dough balls.
*brownsugar* rant at
YNovember 15, 2004
fuck.im so torn.after all tha minta maaf and all.i feel like shit. hai~ people have all been pressurising me soo much.gosh. im soo torn deep inside. fo those who read ma blog please dunt ask me wat's it's about kay. it's not between guys or wateva.just families. just families. wateva decision i make,im sure it's gonna hurt. i wanna die.
dope,thanksies~ for accompanying me aight.please zara and topshop are not like high class okek.really.i was quite fucked up lah~ but a lil cheerful after meetin yer nonsensical self.i miss you so much.how times flies.after all these while we've never been chillin bfore and all of a sudden *poof* hahahaha. and then next time shud buy cologne.u smell like a man...wahahahhahaha. madness.and umm i blanje u cuz u accompany me.not bcus im baik...but i am baik.ryte ryte ryte...n u better do colour plans and ace yer history and arts ah.ur face also like drawin so better ace it.!!! if not.ill smack yer chest.again.and again.and again. and umm u shud follow me go buy panties and thongs more often okek.cuzzzzzzz.u need to know.too lil exposure lah youuu. ure soo not a metrosexual. im sure ull find a grunge gf one day hus mucus will just slide down and u still adore her. weee~ hahaha.andu can buy her levi's jeans frm warehse and she can koyak2 kan.grunge wat.haha and make her hair messy3.like never brush for 3 years. cool ryte.wahahhaa. siow. aunty (ur mama) wont be sooo please too hear bout that.haha. and umm u still owe me chocolate cake.remeber.? u ididot.
we chill again kay next time.and we can sit down at staircase which clearly says no smokin,fine 1000 and still smoke and ill take vids of you duin waterfall again and again.wahhaha.
dope i am still stuck into either buyin tha umm green or red.shit mang.it's $46.not soo bad lah~ryte...
smtimes ryte.i feel like im tooo emotional,seriously. and im still fuckin torn.i am sure people will be unhappy wit ma decision. im torn bet families,and also. smth else.i dunt like this feeling.at all.this sucks.
i wanna fly away. this sucks. help.
*brownsugar* rant at
YNovember 10, 2004
to those who have been makin me happy. and stuffin me wit ice creamm... like aunty..i loikee, thank you so much. im just very pms-sy nowadays.freakin cranky.sad.like.empty. shitos.i need to get earphones.i miss discman.actually not really lah,but yeah.haha *sadness* and im in love wit A techno song..aaron, thanksies fer tellin us bout tha song... *sings* listen to me mama. haha. *grec* and nufail...happenin wit us summore ah..ure like one of us already..weeeee weet*
farhan.thanksies fer u know teachin me chem and hanging out wit me, helpin me carry tha french bread fer a while and fer carryin ma roxybag when i bought tha skewl papers..haha. and stuff and smokin in frnt of me while puasa. woah ure quit a good teacher. *gasp* wow. haha. and i want bubble gum but since you got caught nvm lah..*sadness* wahaha. so poor thang. and ure not tha brown freak...!! i am! *get tha in yer head* and whyyyyy did you have to give away yer brown band.u meanie~ i want it~
dope.stop thinkin ure good in bed.gosh.and ur poor lil fingers.they're hurt.rolls eyes* nvm jill will make sure they're fine and i wanna try jill's kuih okek? <3>
im gonna pull thru.3 papers left.tha one that truly sucked was amaths..followed by chem.sheesh~ i hope i can do it.i must.if not it'll be like one of tha end fer me,maself and i. haha. and these 3 madness people who i have to live wit are watchin jurassic park 3.i love you all soooo much.and thanksies~ fer puttin up wit ma cranky-ness okek <3
p.s i can see ma signature and sheena's and sabreena's in fik's 8 days bedrrom special.. *weet*
*brownsugar* rant at