YFebruary 13, 2005
happy valentine's day to all.actually, to me it's more of a appreaciating-yer-friends-more than a couple-moment.i never believed in valentine's day.sorry mr valentine.
something weird happened to me in july.i grew closer to sumwan whose character was tha total opposite of mine.im still young, free..i still wanna go on dates.be pampered. gurls day out.late night out and all.but suddenly this total-opposite suddenly made a bang on ma head.just like that.
something funny happened in november.-i got attached...to him.
it was tha strangest thang.i do get well along with him.but no one really knew deep inside me.i always prayed that it'll go well.for long.cuz practically people do know me.i get bored.irritated, cant-be-bothered. im afraid ill hurt him,without any purpose.
it was all so quick.no signs,warning letters. i couldnt figure it out.
i could never find tha right one.either they were too irritating.get on ma nerves.too boring.too immature.stupid,seriously, plain stupid.jacks, extreme pain in tha bottom. i almost resigned to tha fact that hey, i will find "mr right" when im really old and we can get married then". tha guys ive dated brought me hanging stuck in CONFUSED-VILLE and WHINEY TOWN.
a real relationship.it WAS for pussies in ma dictionary but now,im beggining to realise they have balls to. just like me.certain.ive always hated happy shiny people. now,im beginning to be polished into one.
maybe im not ready.well for now.i do,cherish him a whole lot.but smtimes it gets scary when they all starts talkin about parents,marriage,stuffs. come on, i do...wanna have fun first.seriously.wouldnt wanna waste actually.i can always have fun with him.but it wouldnt be tha same.me and him,we have many thangs in common.we both adore music.into cool stuffs,etc etc.it's just maybe, we need to really chill out.for now.
well,tha polishing-to-be-shiny-happy-people would really like to wish all ma family,cousins,friends,loved ones especially valentine's day.just makes me realise how much i love you guys and how ma world revolves ard you..... *smiles*
*brownsugar* rant at
YFebruary 12, 2005
hahahas.havent been blogging.well.went to sentosa on a public holiday.sheesh~ i tell you tha amount of people.can make two bhangra parties already balls. and they're like freakin ewww.not eww eww lah.but they're like perverts.wish nufail was there.*sobs*
well,i was a lil upset at ferst and i think aaron and abeen and kakak sheen and prob adam knows why.but then it was all okek after. shaikh followed us too.well,always follow tha boys....adam,aaron and shaikh went tha shortcut way.some steps shit leading to tha palawan beach.me,sheens and abeen gotta walk a freakin longgg distance.there were bhanglas like followin.sheesh.maybe sheens shouldnt have used it on a public holiday.heh~
tha water was sluggy and tha tha water stank bad.reall bad also.and sentosa has one of tha werst public toilets i think.sheesh~ well,at tha beach at least..it was fun...i didnt get much of a tan.wat's new kan?even if i tanned for 10 hrs i would prob just get a lil tan.kak sheens got tha nicest tan.very golden.i think it's starting to fade..heh~yesh yesh,that guy who beens was referring to at harbour front.uber cuteness.nice body.nice tan.hot.nice curls.weee~ tha indian guy also hot.but tha gurl.jackies.
me and been accompanied aaron to tha hospital cuz he injured his leg doing capoeira.yeah ryteee....*rolls eyes* heh~ irritating sia~ heh~ waited for him for ages. and abeen had to sit outside.so sad kan.cuz they only allow one to a patient kinda thang.then i went simpang wit aaron and been.been had to go.adam came later wit sumwan else.weeee~
well,werks all good.i was tha ferst batch to be raised.weee~ and this guy at ma werkplace.darn cute.hahahas.they're all nice lah~ seriously,very nice poeple.can joke joke ard with lah~ weee~ and i think im gonna werk for pretty long lah~ not sure still... well, i do like ma werkplace.wait,maybe love.sheesh~]
i miss nufail and fera.hai~ and rover,i didnt see you on tha last day before u book in.
*brownsugar* rant at