YMarch 12, 2005
i went like theraphy yesterday with aunty.i misss her soo blardee much.the things she's taught me. everythang.i really appreciate.met aunty and dee at wisma and head down to blood bros.after trying on a few skirts,i loved this nice lookin-DECENT-orangey-peach one.weeee~ soo nice and aunty bought for me~ shank you auntyy!!!. then we went hard rock..*squeals* ouh-so-nice. tha place is very shaikh..sheesh. we met dee's niece and her best fren.i had BBQ chicken.half a chicken and i finished it all.i think it was damnnnn good lah~ cannot tahan.sheesh~ tha fajitas were good too.i was kinda lookin for like slash guitar or smth but i couldnt find.how sad. BTW,SHANK YOU DEE FOR HARD ROCK.:) ..after,i tried jeans from zara, topshop, FCuk,guess,mango,u name it man..i fell in love with this fcuk one.it's soooo blardee comfortable.sheesh~ but then it made a huge damage in ma atm.but it's all good. dough dont last long anyway. and i think aunty got really tired.shank you sooooo much aunty. saw aaron. i miss that boy so blardee goddamn much sia~.. ugh.*screams* well.i hope to meet you soon.hope. =( i didnt realise it was him sittin on tha next table until he called my name.heh~ sorry.he was with farouk.sheesh.farouk looks good now.bald tha better.heh~ picked yon and been from jubilee and went to RAILWAY STATION to eat..weeee~ nufail should have been there.i miss you and please nunu,study okek. we all became like pregnant after that.hahahas. LETS DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN.WEEEE~
sayang my dearest people. *grins*
*brownsugar* rant at
YMarch 09, 2005
im kinda over-and-done with that tainted love woman lah.couldnt find another like interesting blogskins.so i decided to put this for a while.ouh wells.im kinda bored. just asked dope for like nice nirvana songs.and he gave me like umm songs by other artists,not too heavy. thanksies dope=).
hannan.i really didnt forget tis yer bdae yest.and again,happy belated birthday.i knew u enjoyed your birthday.touching.heh~
ashraff-who-has-got-almost-the-perfect-hair-and-adores-slash, happy birthday to you. altho its unfair ure turnin legal 18, ure always nice to meh~ so im gonna wish you all tha best aight.and please study, yer exams coming. not too hard okek,wait yer nice hair drop off slowly.hahahs. dunt okek. =) even if it falls,collect it for me.sample.
im not werkin this whole week.i think it's a good break =) and i think i AM enjoying it.REALLY WELL.yeah.
*brownsugar* rant at
YMarch 05, 2005
poeple who means so much come and go.
as long as ther's abeen,nufail,dope,wada,fera,d.a..nuttin can go wrong. :)
long live us all. :)
and yesh,shaikh too.<3
*brownsugar* rant at