YAugust 02, 2005
new skin.new stuffs.wee. well i really miss abeen and mama and aunty and papa and kakak and han and all.im just busy.i got so many stufss to do.and poly life is freakin fast.suddenly ull be having ur exams in like what, 2-3 weeks. and u only have a week to study it comletely.hai~ pretty stressful lah.with projects due and all.gawd. its like hell.
im happy that shaikh can now shuttle run.whaha. he paisey wanna run cuz of all the hot grls and chio chinese lookin when hes running to pick up two dumb like what wooden blocks? hahas.never mind.now u can ungks all u want k.
thanks you dope for KFC,newspaper and umm what else.nothing kan.wait2.and yes for the coke that gave me sakit stomach tadi. i hope u had fun skating with that bag boy and raihan.heh~
and i like ashraffs hir.that was random but i like ashraff's hair.heh~ so soft.
ill blog again.weee.
p.s. girlfriends.lingerie shopping please.please.
*brownsugar* rant at