YOctober 23, 2006
1)what's the best nickname u ever got?
freckles. not a lot of ordinary ppl have em'.
2)which way of suicide will u choose?
STUFFED TO DEATH. since i lost 8kg and now aneroxic. thank you very much.
3)rate ur social life frm 1 to 10?
7. im quite friendly. quite.
4)are you in love with someone at the moment?
prolly its one-sided now.
5)are u missing someone at the moment?
the rockstar and the happy people.
6)will u die for someone u love?
definite no, cause no one would die for me.im a selfish bitch.
7)do u think love hurts?
8)wad is the best thing abt love?
butterflies in the tummy,adrenalines,head spins.
9)wad is the worst thing abt love?
pops every single of my freaking nerves.
10)will u wait for someone u love?
nope. been there, done that. pls, if they dont like you means they dont. get over it.
11)wad song best describes ur love life at the moment?
tiny vessels- death cab for cutie (putting myself in the girl position)
12)do u wan to get married?
who wouldnt? babies. uber cuteness. gahhhhh. i cant wait. about the in-laws......
13)have u talked to the person u love for the past 24 hrs?
14)do u keep memories?
makes me super happy.i love memories. its like you'll laugh or cry. or just really think.
15)is love always on ur side or the opposite?
definite opposite.
16)are u sick of love?
im falling for the HAPPILY-EVER-AFTER-DEFICIENCY SYNDROME (HEADS). love? yawns.
17)are u sick of the question of love?
i should ask my kawan those questions. bet they're sick of listening to me.
18)wad are u going to do tmrw?
maid until the house is clean.and then at about 3 am try hard to sleep. real hard.
19)wad do u wan to do so badly now?
20)wad's the song u last downloaded?
i dont download. smarter move is to ask your friends to download it for you.
21)how much do u love music?
more than a lot of things. ALOT.
22)do u play instrument?
im like NOT musically-inclined. i tried and failed. several times. so gahhhh.
23)wad movie did u last watched?
the night listener.
24)do u believe in love forever?
if anyone could ever prove it to me.im like falling for HEADS already pls.
25)wad's in ur mind now?
sleep. and how cranky i am without sleep.
26)wad song is in ur mind now?
immortal- evanessence.is that hw it's spelt. im sleepy. pardon me pls.
i freakin need to sleep. sleep deprived like fuck.
*brownsugar* rant at
its like freakin 530am in the morning. i cant get any sleep. like sleeping pills pls.
im so not looking forward to school. like kentalan. my time table is completely different from all my friends. AYU,WAN,SHERLYN,SADRINA in the same lecture. im like being left out. fuck lah. but thank god there's linah. and my time table suck so bad that im skipping school on monday. i was looking forward to school and now, here it is. like macam bodoh. kental.everything's gonna suck. i hate this. =( now during breaks, ill either have to starve myself or use the comp in school like i dont have a freakin laptop at home to hide from everyone else. eat alone wait got those indian mama mama wanna share table how.=( die.
im not looking forward to eid mubarak anyways. its gonna suck. like every year is super similar. the same old ppl, again. and ive got no fuckinh mood. been cleaning the house like amah from phillippines. windows, ceiling fans, furnitures, langsir. everything. name it.this sucks.
ugh,everyhting just sucks like hell now.
and i cant sleep. how bad is this.
i need to get those pictures from nab.nab nab nab.where are you.
*brownsugar* rant at
YOctober 10, 2006
the other day, nisa and all the kawan-kawan made plans to wear dresses and look all pretty and for the guys to look pretty too. me, nab and nufail met up at fish and co at glasshouse. we're supposed to buka together with nisa and ashraff. but nisa and ashy came like super late. after we finished our anorexic caesar salad with smoked salmon. so sedap. and we has platters for 2. shared between 3. even so, we couldnt finish it.so gay. i thought i was pretty hungry. guess i just needed to fag. well, we had to wait till ashy and nisa were done with their meal (which they didnt finish), and then waited for kimmy. who made an effort to look pretty. hahas. so cute.act we all looked so pretty, so so pretty. =D
made our way to cheesecake cafe. they have one of the best cheesecakes, too bad im like prettyfull, so me and nufail shared the oreo cheesecake and still end up not finishing ours.we chill and then we all talked merepek. ouh ya! ashraff drove us to this house at siglap where they kept pretty flamingoes( the spelling?). so about 11++ ashy drop me off at ubi and met shaikh then he sent me home. so yeahs. so gay.
well, when u like that someone i guess it not easy letting go at all. how much i dislike him, i really cant picture myself being with someone else. i really can't. if he was to cheat or leave, so be it. ill find someone else for me. i will date someone i dont know.i know he will fall out of love with me one day. =(
i cant wait for saturday, its like. one of the extremely rare days where i get to go out and make plans with the bf. its like. super shocking. its been eeeeooonssss since i went out on a saturday with him.i cant wait.
tmr, im going to run many many errands.like find pants for raya. to go with my baju. so busy busy day. and find han his present. hai~ ok busy busy day. i hope shaikh can follow me. well, its ok if he cant.
im looking forward to going out with my kawans again. =D
*brownsugar* rant at