YDecember 28, 2006
since everyone has been updating, even ayu yang selalu besarkan pantat and rarely will be seen online, ive decided to update mine.
havent really been okay. since he has been messing up my mind. i hate looking at couples and all.tsk~ enough about that.
anyway term test. i think wan boleh dapat 47 and above or everything.and ill prolly do freakin average.this has been such a busy week. although im not working, been going out everysingle day. so busy that ive been forgetting to eat(can do believe that?) and yes, i need cash. like lots of em'.
thursdays gonna be my last day at country road. its not the last last, i might come back in february if all else fails. cause i need to freaking concentrate on my projects.
im going to hang myself cause projects. so banyak. and all of them are due on the first second week when school re-opens. geez .im freaking out, really.
anyway all my friends have been really really nice. seriously. and i miss hanging out.but aunty linda's place was happening. thanks aunty and i wish to hang out there moremoremoreoften. she and aunty are so freaking fun. more sheesha-ing sessions with freakingdelicious black pepper pies and nachos with fantabulous salsa extraspicy dips.WOAH. and wait, with fags. thats a bonus.
first row end seats while watching a 2hr+ movie is so uncool. their bodies are much muscular than their heads.
update soon. ok dah bye.
*brownsugar* rant at
YDecember 07, 2006
this sucked cause when i really feel like talking i just cant get him. ARGH. its the stupid network at ubi. sucked moth balls. there's prolly smth really wrong with the dish. the satellite's prolly rusty. i wish i were a moon-woman who could just float up to the pretty moon and walk ard the cooling uneven ground. wouldn't it be nice<3.
well. im so jealous that keemi kawan and nufail are going for the muse concert.and sadrina too.RARR. ouh yeahs, and a million others. i really really wanna go. but im really dry now.they're going to have a BALL of a time. tak fair seh. im not even able to feed my super-skinny body. im super skinny. the first thing anyone who sees me will go like this ,
"!!OMFG, woman dont you eat. look at how much weight you've lost.*examines me really really carefully. making sure every single inch ive lost will cost me a lecture on one way to putting on fats*
i know everyone is really concerned but im okay. ive just been sick and sad. ill start eating,again. no doubt about it.
wan has helped me with MLS tho it was for a short while. thanks for coming down although kau berak-berak. lucky you didnt shit in your pants. term test next week. so fucking screwed. no effing' idea about a lot that has been going on.thanks to my favourite friends who've been helping me out with papers and all. to: wan,ayu,linah,shirlyn,sadrina,aini. thank you.
my intuition, projects gonna be a bitch.
okay term test people. please, let's just study our ass off and have a ball of a time later on okays.
okay people, FEED MEH. =D
*brownsugar* rant at