YMarch 18, 2007
it was another saturday,but it was different caused i was working.it was nice a few from my favoutite bunch were waiting for me to finish working and were hanging around taka.it felt so good and appreciated.ahah.head down to lido for bites.im still jealous nufail went for rachael yamagata.it was an awesome concert i heard.i still wish i was there.darns.
headed to well, no suprise here, simpang for supper with the favourite bunch.took pictures at the shit park/playground. all 5 of us pretty girls.hahaha.my stomachs pretty upset these days. ive been binging on junk food. really. and i havent been eating well, again.all in all, im losing weight again. tremendously.maybe its cause im working again.ugh.
wan, honestly i don't know how you feel.they'll be lying if they said they knew. and i know none of us can do anything about it right now, but i really wish you'll feel better, somehow. you can always call to talk or ask me to crack a joke randomly. take care love.
im ashamed to have gotten to know someone like you.ashamed, and somehow it's really getting to me. right now. it really is. i'll find a way to rid the feeling, eventually.it really, really hurts.more than i could have wished or imagined.i'll just digress.
But I'll always think of all the things you did
To let me know that you love me
But you're leaving
Even so
*brownsugar* rant at
YMarch 14, 2007
300 was almighty awesome.im suddenly a movie buff. thanks to my movie partner =].who, without a doubt, has fucking awesome picks. i've never ever regretted watching any of it with you. even in the front row.i can't wait for simpsons.ack. can't wait.
i think im no pro when it comes to bowling.when you need a size 9....
it feels empty,sad and it seriously annoying. i feel annoyed.annoyed.annoyed.it has been a pretty bad week for me whenever im all alone at home.the relic.im really reaaly waiting to embrace that beatific feeling all over again. if it ever happens.honestly, without doubt, he's incomprehensible.
ill excuse myself now and leave the memories vividly in my head.
*brownsugar* rant at